1- How can I register? How much are the registration fees?
2- How do I become a member of The MVIP2020?
3- What hotel should I stay at during the conference?
4- What is MVIP 2020?
5- What meals will be served at the conference?

1- How can I register? How much are the registration fees? up

Authors can register with the following link:

Also the registration fee and discounts can be found in:

2- How do I become a member of The MVIP2020? up

You are welcome to contact directly with the Executive Committee Chair (Dr Kazim Fouladi) by email address: kazim@fouladi.ir

3- What hotel should I stay at during the conference? up

Information about accommodation and hotels during the conference can be found in the following links. Nevertheless, foreign contributors are welcome to use our desktop help via sending email.

4- What is MVIP 2020? up

The International conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing (MVIP) is an excellent and premier forum comprising several scientific tracks organized by Iranian Society of Machine Vision and Image Processing (ISMVIP). The 11th MVIP conference will be held at the Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran, February 19 & 20, 2020.

5- What meals will be served at the conference? up

According to the culture, all foods meet the HALAL requirements. Of course both meat and vegetarian will be available to serve.